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  • Grave Digger replied to the thread Why no support online.
    Pretty stupid as now we wont know if been looked at or not as will laways just show as reported ..more lazy arsed bullshit from...
  • kubina1232 reacted to Gnedler's post in the thread Why no support online with Like Like.
    i got my answer pretty quick when i did my last ticket also, if someone get reported, they dont need to answer since admins wont tell...
  • Gnedler replied to the thread Why no support online.
    i got my answer pretty quick when i did my last ticket also, if someone get reported, they dont need to answer since admins wont tell...
  • kubina1232 replied to the thread Why no support online.
    To what ticket you are refering? To ticket about reporting breach of rules? You will not receive answer for those tickets anymore and...
  • KOMMUNIST replied to the thread Feedback Beta 2.
    and this post went unanswered!
  • KOMMUNIST replied to the thread Why no support online.
    Our new beta administrator is very busy to answer questions in support)) now the bot is responding instead. If he answers at all...
  • Grave Digger replied to the thread Why no support online.
    So why not mark as closed then to save confusion
  • Jirki88
    Jirki88 replied to the thread Why no support online.
    Please note that if it's a Breach of Rules ticket, those no longer gets any replies by default. If it was something else, sometimes RL...
  • What has happened to support tickets 4 days or more not even been looked at this is pretty poor guys
  • Event Master
    @Jirki88 or anyone that has bought it. If you buy the new event pass in this event it unlocks everything in the upper row right? or is...
  • secundum reacted to Event Master's post in the thread Feedback Beta 3 with Like Like.
    Lol you can't rewrite bots for this. Its random and its applied after you send the attack no way for a bot to change that unless they...
  • Event Master
    Event Master replied to the thread Feedback Beta 3.
    Lol you can't rewrite bots for this. Its random and its applied after you send the attack no way for a bot to change that unless they...
  • Idara replied to the thread Feedback Beta 3.
    You don't understand the whole point of what is happening. Or you don't want to understand. This also applies to the premium exchange...
  • Idara replied to the thread Feedback Beta 3.
    It was recently sent. Only there are no people willing to play with such settings
  • denhomie replied to the thread Use can not use pp.
    Still some thing wrong. I got a lot more troops than this
    • Farm attack.png