Feedback Beta 3


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Beta 1 will start soon and will have different settings more in line for that :)

Beta is and is supposed to be different to the other three English-speaking markets, so we will be trying rounds with different settings. For this Beta 3 round we're trying the Siege specifically.

Also, as for the chaos that has been here, there has been quite some internal struggle since JawJaw resigned, and now dabookman has also left (with kubina1232 being his replacement). We should be through the worst now and be able to set up things more steadily going forward.
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King Koong

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Beta 1 will start soon and will have different settings more in line for that :)

Beta is and is supposed to be different to the other three English-speaking markets, so we will be trying rounds with different settings. For this Beta 3 round we're trying the Siege specifically.

Also, as for the chaos that has been here, there has been quite some internal struggle since JawJaw resigned, and now dabookman has also left (with kubina1232 being his replacement). We should be through the worst now and be able to set up things more steadily going forward.
We've tried playing Siege on the beta server many times! This setting is not for this version when there are 100 people playing on the server. It's sad to hear that you've had an internal showdown. Things are not going smoothly with the admins on the Russian version either, now wild nationalism is flourishing there. The entire administration and moderators of the forum are players from Ukraine!! But no one cares about that! So we, the players, should not be concerned with your showdown.


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And the churches! and 3 villages!! :D That is, there is no way not to use the item for relocation, nor to make a restart!o_O
What are you smoking there?
No, of course I understand that administrators and moderators of the game are very bad players as a rule, but damn! Not that much!!


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All that remains is to click the delete account button and do not play on this server anymore! :cool:

Event Master

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I don't understand why there is so much fuzz about the settings on a beta server???
Like are there seriously players that think this is a competitive server?

Its just to try out some new shit before they ship it to live, and as such the settings are mainly chosen to provide good testing.
Maybe they wanna test something with churches, maybe something with 3 tech is planned in the next couple of months well that also will be on.

Of course its good to give feedback about what you like and what you want to see in a world, but some settings are just locked in because of the testing aspect of this server.

sag ich nicht

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A little feedback after 2 days:

- Starting with 3 villages and a church works poorly. For most players this means that 1-2 villages initially have no morale (outside the church radius). This causes a lot of frustration and makes the game unbalanced.

- The relocation item doesn't work because there can be a maximum of 1 village.

- The quest system should be adjusted for a world with 3 starting villages. The quest "Looting - To arms" is not possible because the militia cannot be activated with 3 villages. You're basically stuck in the quest as long as you don't lose a village.

- Personal opinion on 3 village start: I'm not a big supporter. I understand the idea of bringing more speed into the early game and having a larger map, but building 3 villages from the start is tiring for most players. On worlds with 3 starting villages you should at least activate the account manager from 3 villages onwards (currently 5). I still believe that with a multi-village start, 2 villages instead of 3 would add more value. It would also be nice if your own villages weren't so far apart.

Grave Digger

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After all the feedback you had about settings you just ignored and went in the opposite direction .. i know you admins are new to beta but Christ on a bike you could not of fucked up a round so much if you was trying to ..... siege a waste of time with so few players and is old and boring system & churches does not work & breaks down on 3 village starts everyone knows that who has ever played 3 village start before.

A time restriction on receiving support when leaving/joining a tribe is a must on beta if you don't want to loose the dwindling base it has these days

Also why no notification sent to player base when new round started or even better a few days before it starts .. i did not get a mail about it & also no notifications on other servers ..why not ..looks to me like you guys are just winging it at this time with little thought to gameplay or fanbase.

@Event Master

"Its just to try out some new shit before they ship it to live, and as such the settings are mainly chosen to provide good testing"

Nothing new to test what so ever for a long while they just threw these settings together as they have been so slack in setting rounds for a while now & to try to appease and its had the opposite effect in making them look like clowns for such poor unworkable settings.


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A little feedback after 2 days:

- Starting with 3 villages and a church works poorly. For most players this means that 1-2 villages initially have no morale (outside the church radius). This causes a lot of frustration and makes the game unbalanced.

- The relocation item doesn't work because there can be a maximum of 1 village.

- The quest system should be adjusted for a world with 3 starting villages. The quest "Looting - To arms" is not possible because the militia cannot be activated with 3 villages. You're basically stuck in the quest as long as you don't lose a village.

- Personal opinion on 3 village start: I'm not a big supporter. I understand the idea of bringing more speed into the early game and having a larger map, but building 3 villages from the start is tiring for most players. On worlds with 3 starting villages you should at least activate the account manager from 3 villages onwards (currently 5). I still believe that with a multi-village start, 2 villages instead of 3 would add more value. It would also be nice if your own villages weren't so far apart.
Thank you for the feedback! The Militia quest issue was an overlook and was resolved by increasing the max amount of villages permitted for it.


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A worlds with church and 3 villages started is very bad for my opinion

Better without church and players start with single village :)

Can we get a world for testing this one Change tribe supporting is blocked for 24 hours or 48 hours if possible ;)


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There is something wrong indeed. For now, the required points have been increased to avoid a way too early world win, Our devs will look further at it on Monday.

Bro* Myth

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There is something wrong indeed. For now, the required points have been increased to avoid a way too early world win, Our devs will look further at it on Monday.
We are striving for dominance. However, for this, an increase in points is necessary, as much as the points added to us.
As a result, dominance was set at 180, and we formed our strategy accordingly.


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Please do note that this world has an unusually high random ms setting, in order to test how it works in combination with some other settings such as the attack gap. The purpose of the random ms setting is to combat timing bots.

Hello again! And we, your beta testers, ask you to pay attention to our requests - do not experiment on players!!!

With this setting, no normal player will play. If you are so interested, let's test this yourself with a team of administrators and developers. Meanwhile, your beta testers will continue to leave this server - we are not interested in being bullied!!!!

As for the bot breeders, they adapt perfectly to your conditions by rewriting and changing their bots to new conditions, that's all, and ordinary players suffer from your fascist experiments as usual!!


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Please do note that this world has an unusually high random ms setting, in order to test how it works in combination with some other settings such as the attack gap. The purpose of the random ms setting is to combat timing bots.

Hello again! And we, your beta testers, ask you to pay attention to our requests - do not experiment on players!!!

With this setting, no normal player will play. If you are so interested, let's test this yourself with a team of administrators and developers. Meanwhile, your beta testers will continue to leave this server - we are not interested in being bullied!!!!

As for the bot breeders, they adapt perfectly to your conditions by rewriting and changing their bots to new conditions, that's all, and ordinary players suffer from your fascist experiments as usual!!

This is a Beta server, where we test things. If you don't like testing things, we have several English-speaking live markets that will be more suitable.
It will be difficult for bots to adjust to randomizing, but we obviously need testing to find out what is optimal.

With that said, Beta 1 will not have a random ms setting when it starts.