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    • Grave Digger reacted to KOMMUNIST's post in the thread Feedback Beta 3 with Like Like.
      However, they are of little use. The guys feel so high that they no longer communicate with ordinary users. They forward their problems...
    • Beta 2 scripts not working ( all legal ones do not work) since update of the day its buggered up the world again ... i put ticket in as...
    • Grave Digger replied to the thread Feedback Beta 3.
      Why the hell does it take 10 days to reply to a ticket and even then the wrong answer giver ..WTF going on with beta servers they are a...
    • Grave Digger reacted to KOMMUNIST's post in the thread Feedback Beta 1 with Like Like.
      Innogames processes its administrators into noodles :D
    • Grave Digger replied to the thread Feedback Beta 2.
      Why 2 servers start in same few days completely mad
    • Grave Digger reacted to King Koong's post in the thread Why no support online with Like Like.
      And we don't need your answers. Just do your job normally! And if you can't, then go to your international server and work there...
    • Grave Digger reacted to King Koong's post in the thread Why no support online with Like Like.
      you not only do not respond to violations of the rules, but you do not react! Don't take the players for idiots! We have been playing...
    • Grave Digger replied to the thread Feedback Beta 1.
      How can it be tested if players do not play serious to the full potential used to be so but now admins have fooked up so many...
    • Grave Digger reacted to KOMMUNIST's post in the thread Feedback Beta 2 with Like Like.
      What kind of nonsense are you doing here? What are you writing, do you even read it yourself? Oh yes, you don't read anything! A robot...
    • Grave Digger reacted to King Koong's post in the thread Feedback Beta 2 with Like Like.
      And a new dumb world has been created :D:D:D Give us back our old administrator JJ He wasn't that good either, but at least he...
    • Grave Digger replied to the thread Old not fixed "bug".
      In other words you buggered up another round with rubbish settings that do not even work/complete without support help ..just typical...
    • Grave Digger replied to the thread Feedback Beta 1.
      New Beta 1 ..what a load of crap settings you just get the worst slow arsed possible ones and ask each other if you could possibly...
    • Grave Digger replied to the thread Why no support online.
      Pretty stupid as now we wont know if been looked at or not as will laways just show as reported ..more lazy arsed bullshit from...
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