Not a bug: Upgrade buildings at graphical village overview


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  1. Summary of the issue (title of the post)

    Upgrade buildings at graphical village overview

  2. Overview of the bug (description):

    When using the hammer at the graphical village overview to upgrade the buildings, you can't go to the head quarters overview without deactivating the hammer-option before.
    So it isn't able to use the option where you can upgrade the buildings 20% cheaper.
  3. Steps to reproduce:

    Graphical village overview -> click at hammer (right beside the villagename) -> try to open the headquarters
  4. Reproduction rate (Every time? Sometimes?):

    every time
  5. Browser and Version:

    Firefox 26.0
  6. Visual Reference if available (Screenshot) please put them in a spoiler.:


    So unfortunately my mouse isn't copied at screenshots, but you can't click at the headquarter when this hammer-option is activated.
  7. Player name and market for rewards:
    .wtf. - Beta


This is not a bug and has been like this since the introduction of this option, in building mode the buildings are no longer links to their screens. Feel free to file a change request for it.