Today's Good n' Bad?


Liek this;

-Today, I won two golds in Academics in Reginal's.
-I was yelled at for screaming "OHMYGOD IT'S THE JONAS BROTHERS" while I got my golds.

-We didn't qualify for State's :(


SULLY :3 :3 :3

- Sully made an account here
- Sully is online
- Sully shall become my co-player soon

- The Sully-Lewder duo will be so awesome it will cause the server to crash


I was going to put better tags, but then I reconsidered my various infractions on Alpha and reconsidered.

-I drove today
-I can parraleldl park
-I can spell correctly

-I slept not too much last night.
-I have good gramrar.
-Only two replies har? Wth

-What the God is a "Visitor Message"?


-QPAC concert
- Holidays
- Easter

- Got b& on .net
- Casus is a nub
- Chorale rehersal tomorrow


Because this has a noticeable lack of the usual OT'ers?


Because this has a noticeable lack of the usual OT'ers?
^ this.

- Holidays officially start now
- Lateish night

- Not going to the beach for holidays
- B& on .net for two weeks (any mod who reverses my infract will be given sexual favours)
- Chorale rehersal for 12 hours


I'll make a thread about it, it's a big deal for me, yo.

Tired, full-of-food.


I changed my mind, yo.

One step closer to my dream job. :D

Within the next week-or-two, I should begin tutoring children from a neighbor county, ranging from fifth through seventh grades, in both maths and various sciences. And I'll be getting paid, did I mention? I'd do it for free, but I'ma get, like, ten pounds for each of them, per hour that I put into their studies.

Seeing as I'm a Freshman (nineth grade (Secondary school)), this won't be too hard. Anything from fractions to cell organells are easy enough for me to apply knowledge in. Plus they're pretty dang simple, esspecially compared to all the stuff I'm learning now, which is simpler still compared to what I'll learn next year. What I find difficult isn't the actual facts and, as I said, applying them, it's explaining to others how to apply them.

It's pretty funny watching me teach (or try to teach) my math class something that they don't understand. I'll go off on over-complicated, barely ontopic, points that I see as a shortcut, only to confuse the poor people even more. There's only a few that I know who keep up with me when I'm explaining something, and they explain it to me just as often as I explain it to them.

Yea, so now, imagine me explaining to my fellow 15-16 year olds the concept of infinity and what red-shift is and why light is a photo, and how, by checking X= they'll, by some magical happenings, figure out the vertex of the parabola. People get confused, because of my constant rambling and going on and on and on, about something that they don't need to know to work it out, but I need to think about to... do this stuff. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally (Paretheses, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction), ROY GiBV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet), etc.

Now imagine me teaching something, or you teaching something, that you haven't used or needed or thought about for a good portion of my/your life. Most of you know that I want to be a teacher, but to do this I think I'll first need to figure out a better way of actually making people understand, and not that "it's this way because it is this way.". Hehe, so, would any of you find gentlemen and ladies have a suggestion, perhaps, for myself?

Did I mention I'm going to be paid? About sixty rubles, actually, per hour. I think that's quite a bit, don't you?

On another note I've been accepted to go on a class trip of five people, to go to Lansing and watch the government do something about something, and I get out of school all day for it, and moi best friend, Kitty, is going aswell. Government isn't high up on my priority list, but seeing as I was eligable to go, and it was paid for already, and I may find it interesting, which is the reason we're going, and that it will look good on my record to whichever college I apply to, I figured I may aswell go and have some fun. It may or may not be overnight, we haven't decided yet, and we have a little over two weeks to decide.

Thank God for a laid-back History & Government/Phycology teacher, eh? Too bad I won't have him next year, I may have to start paying more attention to lectures in class than I do right now, hehe. No biggy, I guess.

Also- I took my Driver's Ed. test today, n' I passed. With one more hour on the road I'll have a real permit and I'll be driving nearly everywhere, rather than just with my parents to random places at random times when I'd rather be doing something else. Like typing about my day in something somewhere. I wonder how many characters I'm at? This is the most I've typed since I was doing my blog on Exodus :3 But we went on the Motorway today, and we almost died in a fiery crash. It was so scary that I actually let out a bit of a yell.


That's what I was going to post, but I was going to type more, before my father rudely interupted.