Rejected: Territory Advantage


One thing I'd really like to see implemented in this game is some sort of advantage given for dominating a large area such as a continent. For example, maybe the base resource production or base population or base recruitment time or something like that would be increased by 10% if your tribe were to dominate a quarter of a continent, and then increased again by 15% for dominating the whole continent. This would be awesome if each continent had a different trait- maybe if a tribe dominates k44 they will receive a total 25% extra farm space, while if they dominate k45 they will receive 25% extra resource production, and in k34 they would get 25% faster recruitment time, or something like that; this would throw a hell of a lot more strategy into the game, and would actually provide advantages for domination. It would make late game more fun as you would have extra resources to draw on for the huge noble costs as the game progresses. You could mint 25% more coins than you typically could in k45, using the above example, which means 1/4 more nobles. It would provide fuel later in the game when things started to get boring.


I think this idea is a bit unfair for TW newbies. When they begin playing, they're simply unable to control a whole continent - this would be the exact opposite idea of the Morale and Paladin.


Staemme in my heart <3
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How about mass tribes that can dominate a continent easily and will have these advantages without really doing something for it?
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I think it is not a good idea at all, as @chisum sayd there would be to much advantage for the big tribes, and the more reasons for them to asimilate more of the map as fast as possible with big merges for example and the ones that are bigger will always win in this situation they will have the advantage of the bonus and so others would accept surrender just to get acces to that bonus, this will eliminate many of the wars, one only needs to form as big a tribe as possible from the start and then with good doplomacy skills and some intimidation will be able to assimilate much of the map fast.

So i hope it will not be implemented this ideea of yours.


That's sort of the point- to give the bigger tribes the advantage later on in the game. It would speed the game along the course it would take anyway.

As for mass tribes that can dominate a K easily- did you seriously just say dominate a K easily? You'd have to fight the tribe that is currently in possession of it.

The idea of this is that when you reach the stage that there are 2-5 tribes left depending on the member limit, the ones that have possession over more continents will have an advantage.
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And that is exactly what is not fair to the others, and yes one could dominate a ka easily just to get the bonus, for example 2 ally tribes could merge in to a bigger one to dominate the K so they will get the bonus, and that way they ensure that k will be verry hard to loose controle, the other will have to fight not only the advantage of greater numbers of the enemy bunt also a much tougher one, since any one of that bonuses will give great aditional power, so from a middle stage on a world later on, the wars will end much faster and it will be known from the start who is the winner, who ever controls theyr k will win. I think, or rather i hope you will reconsider your own idea, think more carefuly and you will realise that it would be implemented then the newer players, the smaller tribes, they will have no chance to stand up to the bigger ones.

So i trully hope it will remain just an ideea and not a fact.