Rejected: Select the OK button


If someone posted this already (i don't remember to read it somewhere), sorry for duplicate.

When sending an attack, in the confirmation step it is possible that the OK button to be selected ? It will be more quickly to send an attack by using mouse to click Attack and in the next screen if OK is selected you can hit enter on the keyboard. It saves time. :)

Thank you.


If you use Opera, then you can click attack with the mouse, then hit TAB then SPACEBAR. TAB will highlight the OK button, SPACEBAR acts like the ENTER button. I even set up my keyboard shortcuts so that the number 3 acts like tab (focus next widget) so then I can use the 3 and enter on the keypad very fast.


There's actually a method on twfarmreport to key it all to the enter button. First enter selects attack, second enter tabs, and third enter clicks ok.


Assign to T or whatever in Opera shortcuts:

Focus previous widget & Click button