Duplicate: Select Groups from Neighboring Villages


The title pretty much says it all. It would be nice to go to the rally point, click on neighboring villages and then be able to select which group you want to see from. This would allow a player to see the closest defensive villages if they have all of their D villages in a group.

Seems pretty easy since that filtering is already pretty much everywhere else and it would definitely come in handy when shifting D around to take out several nukes :)


this idea already exists ;)

but yes i like this idea
and i like all of the other neighbouring villages ideas, as there is a lot which could be improved to make it really handy

ill just collect a few of them:
-switching groups
-show unit travel time instead of distance http://forum.beta.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?t=820
-show the troops and ress in the villages http://forum.beta.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?t=862
-possibility to load more villages http://forum.beta.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?t=1467g
-show neighbouring villages to other players villages http://forum.beta.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?t=861
-maybe link it in the market and make 2 pages of neighbouring villages out of it? one for troops 1 for ress

any more ideas?
it would be cool if the neighbouring villages would get a complete makeover in one of the next versions
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