Rejected: New Units and building


Hi First post here
So i would like to sugest the creation of new 3 Units and 1 building, sorry for putting them all in same topic, ill keep my ideas as simple as they are, perhaps you can develop them(or reject) :p

The two following units(general, assassin) would also depend on a new factor, experience points, that each one would gain/acumulate depending on the number of sucessfull missions they acomplish.

General- Expensive Unit, to be created in the academy, increases troops strenght by 10% when defending, increases Troops morale by 10% when attacking.

Ninja (or Assassin)-cheap unit, to be created in academy(maybe), can be sent alone to enemie village, attack is not detectable. Only function to kill Generals (also used for same porpose in defence).
Outcome is to be decided by experience lvl of both units and Luck factor.

Cannon-Unit Produced in workshop(requires smithy lvl20+workshop lvl15), expensive price, ocupies alot of farm space. strong against infantry (spearman, swordsman) less against archers, weak against cavarly. Excels at bringing walls down.

Bombard Tower
(artillery platform)- A building that requires Village Headquarters lvl 20, smithy lvl 20, workshop lvl15, occupies alot of farm space.
Good against Infantry, ram, Less good against cavalry, vunerable against catapults and also mounted archer.

Discuss please, and sorry for some bad English I might have written :p

and before some of you ask, yes ninjas existed in medieval times (Japan, Corea)
Cannons also appeared during that time, Bombard Towers might be streching it a bit, i don't know for sure xD


Staemme in my heart <3
Reaction score
General: sounds to me like a light variation of the Paladin with his items. Wouldn't be something new, except that you could have it in every village I suppose.

Ninja: refering to your description, you can't defend against Ninjas???

Canon: the function is already fiven by catapults that can be used afainst walls as well.

Bombard Tower: I don't know ^^

But at all I wouldn't like that, because it makes the game more complicated in my eyes and TW lives from it's simpleness. ;)


General: sounds to me like a light variation of the Paladin with his items. Wouldn't be something new, except that you could have it in every village I suppose.

not in every village, remember its expensive, but I think ppl would opte to have it in offensive villages at least. Also farm space is an issue.

Ninja: refering to your description, you can't defend against Ninjas???
there is no point since they're only objective is to kill Generals (maybe paladins too), and eather they succeed or die, i guess the ninja would have a very low defense to make it fair.

Canon: the function is already fiven by catapults that can be used afainst walls as well.

yea you're right, but only after the ram makes damage right?
Cannons would be like twices better than arms, with another advantage against infantry, but huge farm space, its all about making options in your strategy.

Bombard Tower: I don't know ^^

But at all I wouldn't like that, because it makes the game more complicated in my eyes and TW lives from it's simpleness. ;)

yes more complicated, i kind of like it a bit more complicated, remember the church and other implementations made the game more complicated also.
My ideas are not perfect, what I intended was for them to be taken to a balanced lvl, where new options can be considered.