Duplicate: Muting tribe forum tabs


We all know the off-topic forum in a tribe, when the tribe gets large, makes allies and share forums like that you'll get spammed alot and the forum icon keeps blinking like there is something to read of minor importance, though important enough to read.

I wished to be able to silence/mute a tab to prevent the forum icon from blinking every 2 to 5 minutes with these off topic chatter without meaning or Internalclaims.
Or for council mute everything but wartabs / counciltabs.


I would agree to it ONLY if the dukes could set it up some how that certain tabs can't be muted, such as if there is a war going on the ops for that war shouldn't be able to be muted by anyone, and same with the announcements tab. So yes, please let players mute certain tabs in the forums but let dukes lock this ability as well ^.^