move paladin with app - quicklink to weapon chamber leads to wrong village (desktop)


  1. Summary of the issue (title of the post)

    move paladin with app - quicklink to weaponchamber leads to wrong village (desktop)

  2. Overview of the bug (description):

    Usually the quicklink (paladin icon) next to the population information (desktop version) opens the weapon chamber and navigates to the village where the paladin is currently located. In case you move the paladin with the app, this link will navigate to the village where the paladin has been before it has been moved via app.
  3. Steps to reproduce:

    All steps done with the desktop version if not specified.

    Create a paladin in village A.
    Navigate to village B
    Click the paladin icon, it opens the weapon chamber and navigates back to village A.
    Support village B from village A.
    Wait until the paladin arrives.
    Click the paladin icon, it opens the weapon chamber and navigates to village B.
    Login with the app, navigate to village A and withdraw the paladin and logout.
    Navigate to village A and click the paladin icon, it opens the weapon chamber and navigates to village B.

    It doesnt not matter, if the paladin already arrived or if you sent him again somewhere else.
  4. Reproduction rate (Every time? Sometimes?):

    every time
  5. Browser and Version:

    Android app
  6. Visual Reference if available (Screenshot) please put them in a spoiler.:

  7. Player name and market for rewards:
    reisone (beta)
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