Missing militia-image


  1. Summary of the issue (title of the post)
    The militia image on the map popup is missing

  2. Overview of the bug (description):
    The troops, which are shown in the tooltip if you hover over your own village, are correct and they also display militia, but the image is missing and it shows a broken one instead.

  3. Steps to reproduce:
    1. Activate premium account
    2. Enable 'show troops' for the map popup
    3. Hover over a village with militia activated

  4. Reproduction rate (Every time? Sometimes?):
    Every time

  5. Browser and Version:
    Google Chrome 36.0.1985.125m

  6. Visual Reference if available (Screenshot) please put them in a spoiler.:

  7. Player name and market for rewards:
    Frosttall, beta