Needs Feedback: Minim requirements for account password


I've heard about many account broken in generally because that players had a simple password. Maybe it would be good to set a minimum requirements for account password. I don't know if now are a few rules set for this or not. I will go for 7 characters minimum, letters and numbers.

This thing will be in advantage of players (less accounts broken) and less work for admins when they have to solve this kind of situations.

Thank you.

marcus the mad

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Well, they posted this password test some time ago, so you can test if its good or bad. A good password uses letters (caps an no caps), numbers and preferably some other things too (*$¨[ etc.)

for example:hw2H + aQ8

there's letters, numbers, caps, 3 special symbols (spaces are often considered that)

7 is an absolute minimum I think.


Tests are good for you to see how good is your password, but i think it will be good to set a minim requirement for password from server. Minim is to have letters and numbers and 7 characters. Those who want to put a more complex password, they can do this without any problem. :)


i dont know if i like this idea...

i see pros and cons^^
pro: passwords would be safer, and a lot of people use simple passwords which are not really save, until now

con: when youre forced to use very complicated pws then you forget them..
and when you forget your password, and dont remember the emailadress under which you made the account (because you had to make a new emailadress which you normally dont use, for creating a new account under a new name for another world) the you are in a very bad situation^^
if im right then theres no chance for getting your account back?^^

i guess i would have lost my accounts much more often then because of forgetting the password, than i lose it now because of hacking :D

and: i like to use simple unsave passwords, as long as i dont really care for an account^^ when i start a new account, just for having fun some weeks, then i make a pw which everyone could guess when he tries it out :D but then i also dont mind if i lose the account... (which didnt ever happen, why should someone hack a one-village-account or anything like this lol)
as soon as it gets bigger or as i decide to play it longer, then i change the pw to something more save...

so a cange as suggested would make it impossible for me to do this, and would probably make me lose more accounts than until now, because i tend to forget passwords every now and then :D