Implemented: Forward reports from noble claim*



Can the "Forward" option be added to the "The noble claim for the village has been fulfilled" reports ?
There are situations when a report must get to the tribe leaders. At this moment it can be taken only by copy/paste, but this is editable.

Thank you.


Staemme in my heart <3
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Honestly, I don't have any ideas actually, why these reports must be forwarded to the tribe leadership. Could you give me the intention for that?


Problems with allies or tribe mates with reservation. That report is the evidence.
At this moment i don't know if the report for ignored reservation has forward or no (i don't have a report now). If it has, then that report can be used instead. At least one of this two reports should have this possibility to be forwarded.


yes i also think this is needed
when you have to prove that you reserved the village because someone says he had reserved it

but i also think this for other reports..i dont see any reason why you cant you forward them? there really can be situations where this is needed

imagine sitter-reports like "the account sitting by xy has been ended"
when a traitor was the sitter of 1 account and then attacked an ally from there, the ally could say eighter this account is kicked out of the tribe and may be nobled, or the ally is gone and you have war
but when you can prove that this was another player as sitter in the account, then it could be ok for them to just kick and noble the real traitor and not the poor player who set the wrong player as this player can then go on playing and wont lose his account^^

or just about market reports...sometimes you have to pay "reparations" to someone else, maybe because you attacked the wrong player by accident^^ or because of treaty which says you should
and as you cant forward them, you cant prove to others, like the tribe leader or so, that you already sent the ressources

or another smaller thing: the friends-reports, like "you deleted xy out of your friends list", you could want to send this when someone accuses you of having an old friend in the friends list and taking profit from knowing when hes online after war between your and his tribe started..but you cant

so why not making just all sendable?? as it was some time ago?? there it also worked..