Not a bug: Delayed notification for ticket answer from support


  1. Summary of the issue (title of the post)
    Delayed notification for ticket answer from support

  2. Overview of the bug (description):
    I have written a ticket to support team on date 2014-03-25 15:49:50 and I soon recived answer
    on date 2014-03-25 15:51:23.
    But i didn't get notification in my mail. I recived notification today, 48 hours after i got answer.
    Pictures for proof are below

  3. Browser and Version:
    Google Chrome Version 33.0.1750.154 m

  4. Visual Reference if available (Screenshot) please put them in a spoiler.:
    Proof with pictures:
    my letter send to them-date and time-->
    their answer to me-date and time-->
    Recived notifications-date and time-->

  5. Player name and market for rewards:
    Zahlacar3- beta world