Days of our spam?


So i was randomly spamming one day, when i came across a great spam on the ground.

It spelt the letters: "S.P.A.M" and i was intrigued about what the spam meant. I continued spamming until my spamming brought me to the city of "New Spam." A strange man came spamming out of the shadows. He was covered in spam, and spoke to me in a strange spam language. I told him i didnt understand his spam, and he said: "Oh you speak ubur spam?" to which i replied in spam "of course".
He told me about his great plans for the city of New Spam, but didn't have the spam to pay for these great designs. He told me if i collected some spam for him, then he would reward me with the "ultra" spam, a spam so great that all other spam is made obsolete.

This is my first collection of spam for the man.

Will you help me collect my spam? Please continue my journey for me!
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A strange man came spamming out of the shadows. He was covered in spam, and spoke to me in a strange spam language. I told him i didnt understand his spam, and he said: "Oh you speak ubur spam?" to which i replied in spam "of course".
He told me about his great plans for the city of New Spam, but didn't have the spam to pay for these great designs. He told me if i collected some spam for him, then he would reward me with the "ultra" spam, a spam so great that all other spam is made obsolete.

Are you talkng about The Lewder? >_>


Are you talkng about The Lewder? >_>

I'm talkin about daneh. He skulked out of the shadows and said: "co-spam me."

everyday for months until i agreed, then MissKittieCat was shocked that daneh would cheat on her this way, and sought revenge by dissapearing and refusing to co-spam daneh ever again.

The story of the co-spam.


I'm talkin about daneh. He skulked out of the shadows and said: "co-spam me."

everyday for months until i agreed, then MissKittieCat was shocked that daneh would cheat on her this way, and sought revenge by dissapearing and refusing to co-spam daneh ever again.

The story of the co-spam.


Don't you bring our personal skype affairs into thiz!

What eer happened to discretion?! Whatever happened to privacy and respect of that privaceh?!?!

And what do you mean every day? O_O


Days of our Spam.

New show, coming to WIN Television, weekdays at 2pm.