Rejected: Customized filter for Buildings.

Major John Sheppard

New Member
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It should be possible to view all villages which have a different building level then a certain default village.
for ex . villages of 10.000 points (you have to give up the building levels in an additional screen or mark a village with the correct levels).
"Generate list" and the result should be placed in a group (named like "filter result" or something like that)
That group can be renamed afterwards by the player.

Now it takes a lot of time to find out which villages have different points then your default building level


This is a great idea, also something that is DEFINITELY needed..


Staemme in my heart <3
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It's already possible in the buildings overview to sort the villages by points - ascending or descending. From there you can use 'edit groups' and put them all in one group for upgrading buildings or demolition. Also you can sort them by the buildings level of course to make a selection.

Major John Sheppard

New Member
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My idea about this that you make a query (or selection) and put the result in a group :
All villlages with wall less then 20 and put the result in a group

of with a sample village : HQ = 20 , ...
All villages that are different from the ref village => result to a group 'result'
The you can rename that group to Building.