Confirmed: Archer defense power buff bug


New Member
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World: Beta 3
Platform: All
Operating System: All
Account name: Fitch

Reproducibility: 5/5

Current situation:
- When there are multiple paladins in a village, it seems like buff for archer defense power is adding up.

Expected situation:
- Max archer defense power buff should only be 30% if I'm counting right since there hasn't been any item that buffs archer defense by that many percent. Although if there is a way to get +72% for archers, then my apologies and you can delete this thread.

Reproduction Steps:
1. See report from the game below.

Screenshots of the bug:


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Hey @Fitch

Thanks for your report. Could you please share with me (in PM is fine) the public report link of this attack with everything visible so I can investigate?

Thank you!


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Hey @Fitch

We have confirmed this issue and have furthermore classed it as a critical bug. It will be resolved in the next release.

Please let me know on which account and game server you would like to receive your premium points.

Thank you for your report!


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it was in question and discussion channel
even with the same report lol^^

I see.

Technically we require the bugs forum, using the bugs format, for it to be used for it to be a valid bug report eligible for the premium reward so I can't consider it for it. I'll however send you some premium from my private account as a thank you. Please use the bugs forum in the future though so we're sure you're not missing out on anything!

I'll process this in a few days time. Thank you for your patience and reports!


Reaction score
most likely this is not a mistake) that's what the developers intended. They also promised players an alternative to the Alethea Paladin's Lighthouse item, here you go) what they wanted they got