Not a bug: Unable to change build order in village headquarters


  1. Overview of the bug (description):

    Unable to change build order in village headquarters
  2. Steps to reproduce:

    Add more than 2 items to the build queue and try and change the order
  3. Reproduction rate (Every time? Sometimes?):

    every time I have tried
  4. Browser and Version:

    IE 11
  5. Visual Reference if available (Screenshot) please put them in a spoiler.:

  6. Player name and market for rewards:

    MSC2000 ( UK would 18 )


Hey, i tested it with IE 11 and i dont have the problem you described. Changing the build order works with no bugs for me.

When you only have 2 Buildings in the build order you cant change the order, did you recognize that?
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it is for more then two items I am having the problem with.

I have three items in the build order it only highlights them when I click on the + to move them up the order

I can drag and drop the order on UK 18 in IE11 but not on the beta


the build order has just finished add more items in to the list and it is working now. will do a screen record it if happens again thank you for you help