Support and number of orders on map


Well I've been here several times and offended when translating April 1 joke for TWW, I came to again, so like your opinion here! !

If you attack a village you will see for some time which village you are attacking and if yours get attacked, you see that nice on the card, I think this is really one of the best ever improvement.

My idea (there are 2)
For example: I want to do 3 attacks each village, could also be a song of ours? So how many attacks are being carried / on entering the village

Now, I would also like to support villages, why else do I make defensive troops? can therefore be an icon which villages to support running? As with the attack. These are happy with a song on how

also can you expand it with your mouse over this icon to drag the town so to see how much you send / enter (just as you mouse over your village, and then the troops and see gronstoffen)

Nice idea or? ?

marcus the mad

Active Member
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Okay, I don't get this... not even half...

My best bet is this:

He wants to see the number of incoming next to the icons on the map. (first)

The second thing is probably what we now know as request troops in the Rally Point, just executed from the map I think. Didn't dust 2 dust make an idea of that?


he wants the number of attacks on the map, and a symbol for ongoing support to villages on the map
and then additional when you hover over the icons there, some more infos in a popup