Passed On: Report Folder Maintenance


After struggling with some lag issues on w32 due to reports, I've come to the conclusion that we require a more efficient way of managing/deleting old reports on premium accounts.

What happened:
[spoil]With the new reports feature, my tribe forwards virtually all reports it get's to 40+ people in the tribe, and we just move our reports into an archive, without actually looking at the reports, as you can now see the intel on the village overview (super great feature, but a side effect for those tribes who make use of it).

What ended up happening is that I had 175,000 reports, totaling 5% of the servers total reports, and it was causing me severe lag issues on the village overview screens, and the reports folders.

With 4300 pages of reports, I wasn't about to go through 1 page at a time to delete reports.

A mod kindly helped me by deleting 150,000 reports that were over 1 month old, and I haven't had lag since. [/spoil]

So the idea is to allow the ability to mass delete reports by folder, by date. It's a simple solution (I believe simple is often the best), but you click the Mass Report Delete option while in a group, it'll ask you for a date in which you can delete all reports prior, then it deletes all reports prior to that date.


Staemme in my heart <3
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Yeah, a very good idea that should be implemented, maybe in a combination of a general filter.


I agree with AYK - we are passing around reports constantly, and although not as many as AYK and his tribe does, my folder is beginning to get pretty full pretty quick whilst at the same time now having reports that are both out of date and no longer carry useful information. However - if they think I'm going through 1 page at a time deleting them all then they are sadly mistaken.



Because sadly even if it does put the info on a village overview page, it would require an extra click, and it doesn't tell you you have a report when looking at the map page.
Our tribe used to use a reporting site until the info on the village overviews came out.


instead of having mass mail forwarding of reports, could it be done so it can be posted for the tribe to see through the forums?

that way, instead of forwarding the report to 40 +/- people, it can just be forwarded to the forums for review by all....


instead of having mass mail forwarding of reports, could it be done so it can be posted for the tribe to see through the forums?

that way, instead of forwarding the report to 40 +/- people, it can just be forwarded to the forums for review by all....

It wouldn't show on the village overview, and when you have literally thousands of reports daily, people just don't bother reading them anyways.
Tribal Report Database is the way to go :p~