Duplicate: no production quantities and reports notification - andriod app


Summary of the issue

No production quantities and reports notification - Android App

Overview of the bug (description):

-No production quantities, using the Android App click on either the timber camp, clay pit or iron mine and it shows the
base level production is 0 (zero) and current production level 20 (zero)

-No report notifications, watching a countdown timer for an attack on a village and it will land and then turn to the "return to" timer but no notification that i have received a new report

Steps to reproduce:

production quantities, just click on either resource type,
no report notification, send an attack and wait for it to land

Reproduction rate (Every time? Sometimes?):

production quantities - every time
no report notification - every time

Browser and Version:

Samsung galaxy note, Android app, downloaded from Google play

Visual Reference if available (Screenshot):

(will load up screen shots shortly)

Player name and market for rewards:


First one has already bee reported before, second one is not a bug as it takes some time till you get the notice.