Rejected: co-talk


I was thinking for co player this would be helpful:

at the toolbar section of this: Tribe Reports Mail Friends

right next to the friends tab you could make a new section: co chat possibly or something else would be fine

when a co-player wants to let the other person know something(other than notes you cant see from the village over view if someone has written something there and is not available for non-premium players). It would have a symbol similar to the tribe symbol when someone has written something it shows a blue dot thing. I think it would just be easier


i dont think this will ever be implemented^^
as i know, co-playing is only accepted, but not really what is wished^^
so why would they add something that only helps co-players...?

and, if you want to write to your co-player, why not use skype or something like this? :)
or just write a message to yourself which your co-player can read..
there are so many possibilities..


Always just used the notebook for this personally.


They have specially brought out a new notebook which allows 5 different "tabs" so to speak for the notebook, just dedicate one of them to your co-playing.

(If you don't have premium and you are co-playing you have issues :D)