Rejected: Catting hiding place


How would you like it if we could cat barbs hiding place so we could get maxium resources for farming


Yea, if there is nobody there (they are abandoned), then there is nobody to hide the resources (kind of works both ways tho...cause there is also nobody to produce the resources...maybe they just get up and walk into the warehouse)


they are not only abandoned, some time ago they were only abandoned^^
but now they are barbarian villages which means that that barbars live there

and there are two types of barbars..the visable barbars which produce the ressources only for storing them and do nothing else..
and the strange invisable barbars which produce invisable ressources and build real visable buildings out of the invisable ressources!

so now if they built their buildings with the visable ressources, then they would need the hiding place..
but as the ressources they really use are invisable and because of that cannot be plundered, they dont need the hiding place to hide them
because nobody sees these ressources no matter if they are hided or not! :icon_smile:
and the other visable ress dont need the protection as the barbars dont need this ress at all but only produce them to give them away to nice neighbours who visit them.... :icon_smile:

er yes im for this idea^^