Duplicate: Bug: Market


  1. Summary of the issue (title of the post)

    Number of Merchants
  2. Overview of the bug (description):

    The number of merchants was different than expected
  3. Steps to reproduce:

    I made an offer on the market with 5 merchants offering was 1000 resource, a guy 3 accepted offers and only used 2 merchants to transport.
  4. Reproduction rate (Every time? Sometimes?):

    Sometimes this Happening This
  5. Browser and Version:

    Firefox 26.0
  6. Visual Reference if available (Screenshot) please put them in a spoiler.:
    bug.jpg bug2.jpg

  7. Player name and market for rewards:
    -Redbull? TribalWars Brazil .


Staemme in my heart <3
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Please check if an issue has already been reported before creating a thread. Thanks!

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