Feedback Beta 2


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You should Add night bonus on here
its a nice idea but there are not many people playing on this server without any announcement on other servers like .de

only few people can afford playing without nightbonus which would simply just kill Beta 2 very fast


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Why open two worlds at the same time?! or do you have a tight schedule there?! How can players play here? when there are only 200-300 people playing here?! Who will play?!
And it's not at all about the night bonus or any settings, the fact is that there are no players. Admins are doing everything to ensure that there are fewer and fewer of us. And then bugs appear in regular worlds :D


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Is it possible to announce the new server start on other servers like .de?
would be fun to get some more people on these servers
You guys did that couple Rounds ago and there was 300 to 400 more people playing it

more people = more bugs could be found

Grave Digger

Active Member
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What a joke having event on first day so p2w players can buy rank ..we had this discussion before with admins so do we really have to go over same old mistakes over and over you lot ever talk to one another about things and previous problems with rounds


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Servers should be rewiped since some player got huge advantage now with these 30% ress booster
Kind of p2w server now

Understandable if people quit


New Member
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Servers should be rewiped since some player got huge advantage now with these 30% ress booster
Kind of p2w server now

Understandable if people quit
Holy... The amount of entitlement in crazy.

You literally asked on August 31st for more rounds = more bugs to be found.

Personally, I use beta to help make guides for players, test bugs, and report back to tribalwars developers if issues are taking place with both events and other ingame functions before their release on the main server.

Diamond mine releasing on Beta isn't the end of the world. Beta is always supposed to have events, so they can be tested by the community pre-main release.

Just because your little sandbox of players got some advantages doesn't spell the end of the world. We need events here to test and ensure those events aren't a nightmare when they actually hit real servers. Get over yourself... And if you dare to ask for more beta rounds, don't be a pretentious loser when Beta functions to do its very job (Releases events and new settings several days before main release on their normal servers)


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why is it not written anywhere about the interval between milliseconds??!!
So you put an interval of 0.050 in the world, and even make a random one?!! or does the attacker have some kind of tricky program?!


New Member
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Jirki88, why didn't you announce the oblique milliseconds in the world?! would we not go to play and spend premium points on development in such a world?!? And so it turns out milliseconds in the world are 0.050! Yes, they also made a random one!!!! Are you out of your mind*!!?? Have you tried playing in such conditions and slaughtering nobles yourself?! Offer the developers and those who put forward such an idea!! Let them try to play like that!

Grave Digger

Active Member
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Rubbish settings yet again ..why are you admins even here if you cant be bothered to even listen to the feedback given or read back on posts before you started here wonder no one much plays beta any more ....


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I think our team will leave here as well. Let them look for beta testers wherever they want. Enough. Our requests and questions are not heard. The support is not responding. We write about violations, silence in response. Admins don't care about anything.