Update to Version X.X


Update to Version X.X

We are very pleased to announce that on Thursday the 30th of September Beta will be updated to the as-yet unfinished Game Version X.X. Some down-time is to be expected.

I for one am particularly enthusiastic at the amount of awesome player suggestions that have been implemented.



[t]Ingame Mail:[/t] Custom recipient groups can now be created with the new the "Address Book"

[t]Tribal Forum:[/t] Mass deleting posts enabled! Checkboxes have been added beside the 'edit' and 'delete' buttons to allow you to mark multiple posts for deletion.

[t]Reports:[/t] Two filters have been added to the 'Defenses' report category that allow you to show "Attacks on my villages", "Attacks on supported villages" or both, for more convenient report sorting.

[t]Notebook:[/t] Separate pages have been added to the main notebook. Effectively, you can now have up to 5 different notebooks.

[t]Troop Overview:[/t] There has been an improvement to the nobleman information. The possibility to cheaply rebuild nobles or noblemen in production will be indicated by an extra "+" on this page. Hovering over this "+" with your mouse will show further information.

[t]Friends:[/t] You can now add Friends directly from their ingame player profiles.

[t]Landing Times:[/t] Show full landing times for outgoing and incoming troops. ( Milliseconds :eek: :eek: )

[t]Building Overview[/t] You can now demolish and cancel buildings from the Building Overview.

[t]BB Codes:[/t] Case insensitivity has been allowed. ( Both [ b ] and [ B ] now work.)

[t]Tribal Forum:[/t] Improved page navigation for long threads

[t]Settings:[/t] Settings page usability improvement (visualization)


New Features

[t]Map:[/t] Lots of changes here!
- The main map can now be dragged around with your mouse, or with your finger if you're on a mobile device.
- The minimap can now also be dragged. Additionally, clicking on the minimap will now get you to a location more quickly.
- The map can be resized with your mouse by dragging your pointer from the white border. The largest is 30x30.
- A world map is now accessible, from which you can see statistics, your villages and those of your tribe-mates with very simple click navigation.
- When accessing it from a mobile device the map will now rotate along with your screen, assuming your device supports that.

[t]Research Overview:[/t] Research directly from Research Overview. Down and upgrading possible.

[t]World Setting[/t] Worlds' "geographical" sizes can now be determined by the people (Community Managers) setting up worlds, which means smaller worlds are now possible.

[t]Mobile:[/t] Map is sized automatically when turning your screen.

[t]Army Camps[/t] have been removed from beta due to testing.

Given the unfinished nature of this update, both some missing graphics (and untranslated texts) can be expected.

That's all for now! Work your magic, folks.

Question & Discussion Thread


Update has been pushed till tomorrow morning due to technical issues.


The technical issues are persisting. We have been forced to push our beta update until Monday afternoon.

We are sorry for any inconvenience.


Update will commence in ca 30 minutes. We are hoping that you all will be wild on the bug tracker.