Passed On: Show Awards to Only Tribemates


Loving some of these new awards:

Demolisher - number of building levels catapulted
Nobles Faith - number of nobles killed
The Scout Hunter - number of scout attacks against your village successfully defended
The Warmonger - number of different players attacked
The Reliable Commander - number of 'support' battles taken part in

But for the world to be able to see some of these awards, it'll give away a lot about the make up of a tribe, who the attackers are, who the support players are, giving the enemy a serious advantage if players want to show off their new accolades.

What about the ability to show the awards to tribe members only?
So there'd be 3 options, hide awards, show tribe only, show the world.

This allows players to show off their awards within the tribe, while not giving up vital information to the world if they don't want to.

On the Awards rankings pages, player names are hidden but awards are shown. I think we should have the option to show our name beside our rank, but not our awards.
That way you can be ranked, but players won't know the awards you've gained, so won't be able to gain any intel from it, other than your likely active.
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Interesting thoughts,

Really like the first idea, and I like the second idea, not sure if that would take extra effort for the server or not, im guessing probably not, and if not then nice idea too.


The awards don't really mean that much to me one way or another but I do agree with AYK in so far as I keep my awards hidden for the very reason he is talking about.


These are all good ideas, and can see nothing that I object to.


I would love to be able to brag about my awards to my tribemates without showing off to the world how much I am farming and similar proprietary knowledge.

+1 to the first idea.

The second idea, however, is a bit flawed - If you show off your name beside your ranking, then that shows basically the same information as otherwise, as every single award a player has earned appears in their awards ranking. Thus, I don't really see the point of having your name only there - it provides the same information you could get elsewhere.
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I would love to be able to brag about my awards to my tribemates without showing off to the world how much I am farming and similar proprietary knowledge.

+1 to the first idea.

The second idea, however, is a bit flawed - If you show off your name beside your ranking, then that shows basically the same information as otherwise, as every single award a player has earned appears in their awards ranking. Thus, I don't really see the point of having your name only there - it provides the same information you could get elsewhere.

Perhaps #2 was explained as well as I'd hoped.

I'd like to be able to look at the rankings, and see DaWolf is ranked #5 in overall awards, but not be able to see the actual awards he's achieved (show name, hide awards).
This let's the world know he's ranked as far as awards goes, but doesn't give them intel that would help them in plotting his demise.
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I agree with both of these ideas.
make it so the player can show to 'Tribe Only' or 'Entire World'

and if the player decides NOT to show to 'Entire World', I think it should still post the name, rank and #of total awards for EVERY player


Perhaps #2 was explained as well as I'd hoped.

I'd like to be able to look at the rankings, and see DaWolf is ranked #5 in overall awards, but not be able to see the actual awards he's achieved (show name, hide awards).
This let's the world know he's ranked as far as awards goes, but doesn't give them intel that would help them in plotting his demise.

So you could set it to show your name and/or the awards you have received?

And number of awards would be shown either way, I assume. I think that is a pretty good idea.


i like the idea to have the option to only show the awards to tribemates :)

to add another option to hide the awards instead of the name, that could maybe be a bit complicated, when you can chose between "hide awards" and "hide name in ranking" etc..
but over all, i like that, so if there could be an easy and logical implementation i would also find that good


Personally I think the rankings is entirely backwards the more I think about it.

It should show / rank every single player, and the only option should be whether you hide the actual awards or not. Sure you can gain some intel from the total awards count, but what your going to gain is if the player is active or not, and there are a dozen other ways to check that.

The awards are where the intel is garnered, as you can see what they are actively doing (espcecially with so many new awards).

Besides the awards ranking right now looks retarded :p~


It should show / rank every single player, and the only option should be whether you hide the actual awards or not. Sure you can gain some intel from the total awards count, but what your going to gain is if the player is active or not, and there are a dozen other ways to check that.

+1 for that :)

then the hiding for single awards would also make sense^^ if they also then dissapeared in the ranking
because now this is strange, why would you want to hide single awards from the profile, while in the awards ranking everyone can see them all :confused:

edit: no i was wrong^^ they are then also hidden, but youre awards points get less^^ but thats also strange :p
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