Rejected: Parental Advisory: Can our kids get a good night's sleep now please?


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Especially kids growing up need at least eight hours of sleep every night.
The body and brains need this to develop properly.

If children get chronically less then that, chances on for example chronic depression in later life increase dramatically (Unfortunately I can testify to this :s)
I've seen a renowned Dutch psychiatrist state on national television that one of the main reasons for BurnOut is chronic lack of sleep as well. Again, adults too need 8 hours of sleep every night. If you don't agree, throw away your alarm clock and see if you will naturally wake up after six hours of sleep every morning ;)
Oh you do huh? :p Well good for you and good for you if you think you can do with 6 hours every night and live happily ever after, but don't demand the rest of us to do the same.


By the way night protection is set, Tribal Wars offers advantages to those who ignore mom and dad's advise to sleep well.

Tribal Wars is encouraging players to stay up late - to send out troops to arrive just before the start of night protection @ 01:eek:o.

Tribal Wars is encouraging players to set their alarm clocks at 06:55 - to check for incomings right after night protection and dodge if necessary.

Tribal Wars is encouraging players to set their alarm clocks in the middle of the night...
1 to send out a noble train so it arrives right after the end of night protection.
2 to send out all troops for a nightly farm run, because that's when most of the competition doens't farm.

Obviously this encouragement is indirect.
It's not like TW support sends us a message saying "Stay up late and be a winner, kids"... but nonetheless it's not uncommon for top players to prioritize the beloved game over sleep.

There's actually a word for this kind of behaviour on the dutch server; a "nachter" (=nighter) is a co-player who takes care of nightly activity.
In top tribes there are topics for these "nighters" where you get points if you are the last one to post on the tribe forum just before 04:eek:o. These topics get a lot of response.

Oh before I forget;
Scientific research shows that waking at night over a long period of time (years) increases chances on getting cancer.
(again, I can sadly testify :s, I'm not blaming TW :p)

We are people before we are players or warriors.
People need sleep.

Solution: Measures to counter these negative incentives

I think night protection should be more then 6 hours.
Even more then 8 hours, so people have time to brush their teeth, kiss mom and dad or the wife and kids goodnight and have time to sleep in... and in the morning time for a morning ritual, a breakfast and a shower before logging on.

I propose night protection to be expanded to 22:eek:o to 08:eek:o
I know, that's 10 hours, which is more then the required 8... But not everybody goes to bed at the same time :)
And I really think it's a lame strategy to use people's absence against them (Even though I've done a lot of it)

Now there's still an incentive to go farm at night
This can be removed by reducing production of wood, clay and iron to 10% of normal production between 01oo and 07oo. This can be compensated by upgrading production per hour by 33%, so daily production remains the same.

Last of all; to remove the incentive to send attacks at enemies in the middle of the night:
all attacks sent during night protection will automatically be tagged
(even for non-premium players)
I've heard of many instances of players having a nighter stay up all night just to tag for incomings and defend against them.


"Nocturnality is a form of crypsis, an adaptation to avoid or enhance predation"
Human beings are not like Hedgehogs or bats.

People who are well rested are healthier and are better able to enjoy the game than tired and worn-out nighters.


To all who prefer to predate on people who sleep at night;
do you want to be a thief in the night or fight a worthy opponent who is capable of defending themself?
In five years of play, my best memories are the ones of epic battles fought by daytime.


Staemme in my heart <3
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First of all it's a nice read. ^^

Anyway night bonus / night protection is an individual setting for each world, set by the local CM and depending on the demands of the local community.