Next Reset


Dear players,

We just would like to inform you already that we might reset the Standard World with the next new feature. This might happen short noticed unfortunately.

Please understand that we can't give you any details yet and we'll keep you informed.

Kind regards,

Your Beta-Team

So any idea about this? What about the settings for the next world?


I hope they let us know soon. I still have a whole lot to learn yet.

Grave Digger

Active Member
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Guess not is stagnant and nothing to noble to speak of so a reset must be soon surely ?


Staemme in my heart <3
Reaction score
@overground: the Standard World was reset on Wednesday. So what do you want to know exactly?


Staemme in my heart <3
Reaction score
No, Sandbox will never be reset from the current point of view.

Grave Digger

Active Member
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What no restart ..i have 4 vills there and no one or nothing to noble no point being there ..cant detect bugs if nothing to do ..couple of barbs appear now and then but gobbled straight up by huge accounts with no chance to take & cant even farm.
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Staemme in my heart <3
Reaction score
Why do you have to conquer villages on Sandbox? That's not required for any of the new features.

Grave Digger

Active Member
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why do the players with thousands of villages have to keep taking every barb that crops up as soon as they appear they can make pp out of other players who have nothing to farm & making it difficult for others who would like a few more villages to practice things such as self attack techniques to snipe & forget barb bouncing /cancel snipes as there is nothing to bounce off of ...

The world is not a test world now but just greed by several players harvesting pp and i can see no purpose to it continuing running as it is as no new players there can do what they like and test as they would wish and find bugs for themselves or improve on there own play as it should be.


amazing beta server, a beta there you cant play the beta, great beta, fantastic beta, also fanatstic tw support!