New Round


Good evening

ill hope some one read this.

the World Standard is verry borring.

The Player 1 and 2 and 3 got no more Options. We cant fight or anything.
I think its time for the end of the World this Week and create a new one with this Specs:

Game speed 5
Unit speed 1,4
Ability to demolish buildings Active
Morale Active (time-based)
Farm rule Inactive
Basic defense 20
Milliseconds Active
Fake limit 1% of the village points
Research system Simplified research
Church Active
Achievements Active
Growing barbarian villages Active (up to 3000 points)
Bonus villages Enhanced bonus villages
Time frame for cancelling attacks 10 Minutes
Time frame for cancelling trades 5 Minutes
Night bonus active from 0:00 until 8:00 o'clock
Protection for beginners 3 Days
max. ratio of attackers : no ration
Casual attack block ratio: Full attack from every single player
Flags Enabled
Archers inactiv
Scout system The scout can display enemy units, buildings and resources.
Paladin Active, items can be found
The items are improved.
Militia Enabled
Increased prices for noblemen: Active, Prices increase after the third noblemen
Inexpensively recreate noblemen Active
Max noblemen distance 30 Fields
Loyalty decrease per nobleman attack 25-45
Loyalty increase per hour 8
Tribe member limit 20
Defeated opponents rankings Active, according to points
Account sitting Active
Account sitting restriction for permanent account sitting Restricted sitter access after an account has been sat 60 days within the last 60 days.
Free trade active, time restriction based on the start of the individual player
Select a direction Active
Victory requirements Tribe with the most Points after a time of 6 Months!