Passed On: Forwarded Reports - Auto Filing


While I don't believe that the new True Mass Forwarding report method (where you can send 40 reports, and a player gets a mail asking to accept/decline the receiving of reports), is the correct way to go, if it gets implemented, I do think it still needs some work.

There are two issues I see with being able to Mass Forward Reports, and I believe they are something we should try to correct prior to launching the new feature.

1) With more efficient tribes, players will get mail bombed, there will be 30-40 mails every other day asking if they'd like to accept forwarded reports, which means their regular mail is going to start getting missed, especially for leadership who seem to have oodles of mail in their mailbox at all times.

2) As people can now truly mass forward reports, peoples reports folders are going to take a serious hit, and they are going to start losing their reports in a mix of forwarded reports. (my tribe on .net already suffers this as we do forward reports regardless of not being able to do it en masse.) Yes we can click on forwarded, and then move them all into an archive, but when you log in after a weekend away with a sitter, and have 50 pages of forwarded reports, it's a real pain.

So in order to correct these, I'm proposing two ideas:

1) a slice from my other idea on a tribal report database:

Have a hardcoded folder for Forwarded Reports, which all forwarded reports will move into automatically upon receipt. This way forwarded reports will never hassle a player again, and they can view them at their leisure, without losing the time cleaning up their reports box, to get to their own reports.

2) Add a filter on your mail box, which will allow you to auto accept or auto decline, any forwarded report request, and delete the mail. This way we won't have to suffer mass mails unless we choose to turn this filter off.


I agree that your first point is necessary, in my tribe on .se we already suffer from many forwarded reports, and with this update it will get worse. But I don't think the second will be necessary, going through 40 mails is not really a pain in the ass, even though I see your point.


40 mails is just the start.

I've often forwarded 10 pages of reports, which would be 10 mails from me in about 5 minutes.
I have a very active tribe, to be honest, I could picture it going upwards of 100 mails a day in a tribe like mine, now that everyone will easily be able to forward reports.

A lot of these things aren't really noticeable early going, due to the size of everyone's accounts, but as things drag on longer, these issues will just be more cause for people not to want to continue on late game.


That's true, we're only 20 people in my tribe so it's not going to be as big problem to us. But I can see it coming later in the game for those tribes with 60 players with 15m+.


for the 1) idea of a folder for all the forwarded reports:
what about if the normal reports under all reports will get a checkbox like the reporte under defenses already have, like this:


then you could chose if you only want to see your own reports or also the forwarded (only the forwarded you can see under the mode forwarded)

edit: and about the second point, the mails: why not make the mail auto-deleted when you click "accept" ?and add another link "dont accept"?
then when you read the message and clicked "accept" or "not accept" the mail is deleted and you have the reports or not, as you want to
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1) I personally don't like to keep all the reports in the main, it gets cleaned out every day, and moved to various folders. A little selfish in that I'd like to see the server do some of that work for me, but it was a selfishness that I feel had a benefit to others, which was why I wrote the suggestion in that way. The checkmark thing would work as well, if it's easier to implement than I'm all for that.

2)I really don't want to have to read 40+ mails of report headers each day, and click accept on each one, when I know I'll never ever deny the reports.
But I agree, that the mail could be auto deleted after accepting/denying also, because that's all that is going to happen with these mails.
It'll also help keep the mail tables smaller, so they aren't bogged down by these new mails.


Staemme in my heart <3
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A hardcoded folder for forwarded reports would be the best in my opinion. Maybe this would be an option for the mails as well that report requests are in a seperate folder, which is hardcoded.


Sorry guys, I've been meaning to pass these on for days now, AYK's post on the .net forums reminded me.