Exciting Changes for the Beta Server - A Chance for you to Earn Extra Premium Points


Dear Players

In an effort to maximize the usefulness of the Beta server, we have decided to implement a new system for rewarding our testers here on the Beta server. We are going to introduce to the server a system for testing specific features with every update. This will come in the form of missions and these missions will give you the opportunity to earn yourself Premium Points for reporting the bugs you find.

How Will It Work?

With the release of 8.17, we will release 3 missions for you to complete. These missions will be intended to test a specific task or tasks. A thread will be opened on these forums, one for each mission. You will then post the results of the missions in to the thread, as well as the name and server where you would like your premium rewarded. (yes, thats right... we will reward you on your play world if you wish).

Each mission will have specific requirements to qualify for payment. Simply stating you have tested a feature will not be sufficient, we will be looking for specific feedback. Below is a list of how we will decide eligibility for reward:

Reporting standards

1. Summary of the issue (title of the post)
2. Overview of the bug (description):
3. Steps to reproduce:
4. Reproduction rate (Every time? Sometimes?):
5. Browser and Version:
6. Visual Reference if available (Screenshot):
7. Player name and market for rewards:

Each post which fulfils the following requirements is eligible for a reward of an extra 70 (so 100 in total) premium points on any market

  • The post is an issue report (not a comment, discussion or other)
  • The post is using the template
  • The issue is not a duplicate from within the bug forum
  • The issue is related to the mission
  • The issue is a valid defect and not by design (e.g. user problem)

Each mission will have a specific time period for you to submit bugs in. Bugs reported outside of the time slot will not be eligible for payment. For every bug reported and accepted as eligible for reward, the reporter will earn themselves 30 Premium Points. This reward can be claimed multiple times, so if you report 3 bugs, you earn yourself 90 Premium Points! The rewards will be distributed the week after the update is applied here on the beta.

Version 8.17 Missions:

Live Rankings

• Once a building is constructed the points of players and tribes are updated
• The points in the main menu bar are updated without refresh
• Player and tribe ranks update live

Quest Improvements

• For each quest a completion note is shown containing the gained rewards
• Additionally for resource rewards the gained resources are faded in temporarily in the resource bar
• Quests are completed without reloading the page

Profile Improvements

• "Profile" has been added to the main menu and lets you view and edit your profile, manage friend/ignore lists and access your achievements
• As part of this the awards have been renamed to achievements and undergone some improvements such as progress bars and they are now grouped by type

These missions will run from Tuesday 05/11 through to Sunday 10/11.

We're looking forward to working with you all, and looking forward to being able to reward our testers for their dedication.

The Beta Team.