Change Request: Account Manager notification


Once you use the Account Manger you have a small notification in the buildings and it seems, that the one for recruitment is missing and the other both have seperated Messages.

The one in the HQ's says: Warning: This village is currently being developed by your Account Manager

Note here, it says "Account Manager" what is the complete Package that you can buy, not the specific feature (Construction Manager) and the Message starts with a Capital Letter "This".

The one in the smithy says: Warning: this village is currently being developed by your Research Manager

Note here, it says "Research Manager", what is the entire feature name, not the package name and the message starts not with a capital letter "this".

As already said, the warning for the Troop Manager is missing at all.

Would be great if there simply would be one message and or at least one visible structe in that message but not that mixed behavior.