Not a bug: Change in settings

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New Member
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World: sandbox
Browser/IOS/Android + version: IOS 7 tribal wars app
Operating System: IOS Apple
Screen resolution:unknown
Account name:

Reproducibility: ?/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)
If this is for how often it happens over the years 1/5 but for last few days 5/5 as players keep joining the map

Current situation:
- What is happening? describe it.
Players are starting off with 2 villages normally 3 villages. 4.5k villages when the regular settings were 36 points per village on players joining.
Also barbs spawning at 4.5k

Expected situation:
- What should be happening?
Players joining the world should be starting off with 3 villages and 36 points, barbarian villages also starting at 36points

Reproduction Steps:
1. Log into your account as I know all the mods are on the world now
2. See for your self on the map
3. To be specific outter edge of map

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug:
(add as many screenshots as you need)
Not working

Grave Digger

Active Member
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Support refuse to explain why i doubt anyone here can come up with a reasonable explanation as to changing the whole dynamic of a round half way through let alone explain to those who worked to get to 10k point that others are starting on that many with full 3.5k barbs next to them to farm and noble yet cant be attacked for up to 8 weeks if out of ratio.
Just because it is beta and settings can be changed for testing there are still paying customers there who thought there would be a level playing field when they started to now find they have been short changed ....why ??


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Community Manager
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This is not a bug, but intended. Players are given larger villages in order to test our newest features; Please note that changes in settings on beta, as explained to you before, are normal and will continue to happen. If you do not wish this to happen, please play a regular server such as international or UK.

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