beta 1 after 8 days


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what fun is this ( realy not ) a test server to i guess test stuff out
one player is after 8 days of play at 34 villages
what is the fun in this server i realy have no clue
pp abuse i think at its maximum
new players will see this and probebly think same as me do not play tribalwars unless your a millionair and have money to spend like water
the fun of almost having same builds as others on a test server should be fun
this is just mad
will leave this test server aswell as this is ridiculus

Power Ranger

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Did you play the main servers?
There are so many players using way more pps than i did here.
The "big" players can't attack the little ones because of the 20:1 rule.
So there's nothing to complain about.
Just play :) <3


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Many years ago when I started playing this game (yes, I am old and crusty) I was told "it is the number of troops you have that matters, not the number of points" ;)

The trouble is that those of us who are building proper armies can't attack you either because of the 20:1 rule...... just sayin'

Perhaps the devs could look at removing the 20:1 rule if the attacking player is the small one? That way we could have fun too :D :D

Grave Digger

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Even better inno games/admins STOP allowing events so early in a server ...2 days in is damn ridiculous & just cries out for it to be exploited .... they need to play the game for themselves to see what happens ..or is cash king and all that matters because if you think many of those extra players that joined because of advertising on other servers will play again your deluded.

Perhaps the devs could look at removing the 20:1 rule if the attacking player is the small one? That way we could have fun too

lol funny idea but also open to be exploited as whole tribes would spring up keeping under the ratio and just keep attacking with no recourse ..would make things pretty daft tbh ..... its p2w on a big scale thats ruining things ......give me a server with just premium.. acc manager and loot asssist any day then see who would win .... i know i would still be there or there abouts ;)


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Perhaps the devs could look at removing the 20:1 rule if the attacking player is the small one? That way we could have fun too :D :D

I am fine with doing this for Beta, but on live worlds this is unlikely to happen.


Grave Digger

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pellegrina said:
Perhaps the devs could look at removing the 20:1 rule if the attacking player is the small one? That way we could have fun too :D :D
I am fine with doing this for Beta, but on live worlds this is unlikely to happen.

Thoughts? "

I am not its a fookin stupid thing to do if only 1 way attack they could attack/send nobles and no recourse at all how daft and ruin game altogether ...remove 20/1 all together both ways and and im fine ...everyone would just use others to bash and cant even be backtimed.

if smaller players want to attack outside 20/1 then ok but if they do then there 20/1 ratio time is removed and they are fair game them

The rule is there to help so they can fight players there own size not take stupid pot shots at other who could not hit back.

@JawJaw if you want to do something to benifit the game stop having events so early and put a cap on use of them per server instead of buggering rounds up before they even got going not add stupid crap like that above
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You people keep saying we pay to win.. We just exploited a cheap as hell stupid 2nd day event, and can assure you (which I do not have to) that we have made back most of the pp we have spent :p You lot keep forgetting in order to succeed in this game you need to be active and most importantly farm :p check out the leaderboards

Event Master

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I am fine with doing this for Beta, but on live worlds this is unlikely to happen.

Is this a option kinda like starters protection where you lose your own protection when you decide to attack?
Or is this really a one direction only where the bigger player can't counter attack?


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I actually misunderstood and disabling attacks in one direction isn't possible. Sorry guys :(
I'm however open to removing the ratio entirely for Beta - but I'm not sure if that is desired?

Power Ranger

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I actually misunderstood and disabling attacks in one direction isn't possible. Sorry guys :(
I'm however open to removing the ratio entirely for Beta - but I'm not sure if that is desired?
I think it's okay to remove it.
But not really sure if me as R1 can say that :D


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This is undesirable, so you have an outflow of players and all undesirable and unpopular actions will lead to even stronger rejection.

In particular, the situation with Power Ranger - most likely, there is a competent fraud with the premium exchange by players of the HS* and Wolfs tribe. On the 54th continent, the exchange was almost full from the very beginning of the game, how can this be if, as the player claims, he buys resources for premium points in large quantities?
You people keep saying we pay to win.. We just exploited a cheap as hell stupid 2nd day event, and can assure you (which I do not have to) that we have made back most of the pp we have spent :p You lot keep forgetting in order to succeed in this game you need to be active and most importantly farm :p check out the leaderboards -- ?? Where is the Power Ranger here ? -- and here where?

this account is a multiaccount created in order to run the program on the exchange
most likely, the HS* and Wolfs tribe players also got their benefits by selling resources for Power Ranger and getting premium points from the game) JawJaw was the coolest scam under your nose
As for the events in the regular worlds, they are disabled for the first month in the new worlds. And there is some truth that early events help literate players of the new world to gain a huge advantage on this
But not that much! to have 8 or more nobles in the first 2 days of the world. Everything does not converge much here in terms of numbers and possibilities, for taking into account the purchase of premium points.
Again, I agree that a player who has 40 villages at the start when all other players have 1-2 villages does not add the desire to play on such a server. Yes, and on any tribal wars server


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This is undesirable, so you have an outflow of players and all undesirable and unpopular actions will lead to even stronger rejection.

In particular, the situation with Power Ranger - most likely, there is a competent fraud with the premium exchange by players of the HS* and Wolfs tribe. On the 54th continent, the exchange was almost full from the very beginning of the game, how can this be if, as the player claims, he buys resources for premium points in large quantities? -- ?? Where is the Power Ranger here ? -- and here where?

this account is a multiaccount created in order to run the program on the exchange
most likely, the HS* and Wolfs tribe players also got their benefits by selling resources for Power Ranger and getting premium points from the game) JawJaw was the coolest scam under your nose
As for the events in the regular worlds, they are disabled for the first month in the new worlds. And there is some truth that early events help literate players of the new world to gain a huge advantage on this
But not that much! to have 8 or more nobles in the first 2 days of the world. Everything does not converge much here in terms of numbers and possibilities, for taking into account the purchase of premium points.
Again, I agree that a player who has 40 villages at the start when all other players have 1-2 villages does not add the desire to play on such a server. Yes, and on any tribal wars server
I would very much like for the next server to be one without premium exchange and events, just like GD said, so that some people will finally keep their mouths closed. As for some of the things you have said above, I do not know what you are dreaming at night. A multiaccount, Wolfs selling resources to Power Ranger? I said it and I am saying it again. It was a stupid event on literally day 2 of the server which was easily exploited with the use of premium points which were then gained back through selling resources, and again, not done purposely between us

Grave Digger

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@ scrram88

I invite any admin at any time to check my account as do the rest of HS* and Wolfs but then i suspect that has already been the case and the reason no bans for this is because what transpired on beta 1 is down to inno games holding the event on day 2 .... if you cant work out what happened feel free to mail me in game and i can fully explain to you how it went down

Personally i spent some pp on the market start up on day 1 .... i have not bought a single thing from the market since.... i spent some pp on the event on res packs as did most players i have spoken to & they have been used to boost/fill warehouses ..other than that i have been farming hard just check stats (not cheating at that either lol ) and scavenging hard to get ahead and i always priorities troops not points

Power ranger did the same to a much larger degree spending a load of pp in doing so ..... he also sold a load of resource on 3 different markets in 3 different ks making profits moving res round and is now 15k pp up on what he started with so he has made a huge profit on top of using the day 2 event to huge advantage.... nothing illegal at all unlike the last 2 times your tribe got banned for out and out cheating.

@JawJaw Please make a server with just basic pp options prem/ acc manager/ loot assist and +20% production so inno can make there money .... but do not have market/allow trades /events or morale so all this b/s salty tears crying can be put to bed once and for all​



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Personally I don't have the cash available to buy PP for ultra-fast starts, but that doesn't mean I don't understand how they work. I agree that a world with just the basic PP options and no market/trades for PP would really show who can play and who can't :)

Oh, and I would say no PP to halve construction times either :D :D :D