8.8 Changelog


Staemme in my heart <3
Reaction score
Dear players,

both Beta worlds have been updated to the first release of Version 8.8 today. Find the changelog below please:

  • Secrets can not longer be moved to a village under beginner protection
  • Performance improvements for overviews and mass recruitment
  • Improved layout for message boxes (popups)

New Feature
  • Auto complete: after typing the first two characters of a player name or tribe tag will show a list with names to select from
  • Research manager can be set up in the village now (similar to the village manager)
  • Player profile can be set already during pre-registration
  • Improvement for error messages in village manager (error messages are shown in a fading popup now as well)
  • Status of research manager added to Account Manager overview
  • Welcome Page - detailed information will follow. A first impression of the new Welcome Screen, which will be activated soon, can be found inside the spoiler at the bottom.

  • Many minor bugfixes

Improvements MDS
  • Highlights on incomings overview more visible
  • Useage of a separate CSS to improve performance

Many improvements for iOS have already been rolled out during the last week also.


Best regards,

your Beta-Team

The new Welcome Screen:
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Staemme in my heart <3
Reaction score
Additional information to the new Welcome Screen:

The Welcome Screen appears on the first login to your account every day and can be called again from the settings screen, where you can deactivate it completely as well.

The Welcome Screen contains 5 widgets:

  • Widget with some information about your current rank, points and villages. You can call your own profile from here as well.

  • The tip of the week, which is replaced with the latest news if available.

  • Checklist, which will disappear as soon as all things are completed.

  • Statistics of the development of your total points, your number of villages, tribe points, total defeated enemies and your looted resources. These data are updated every 6 hours. The different statistics can be displayed by clicking the tabs. The last tab here will lead you to the external statistics page, which you configured in your settings (or which is set by default).

  • Information about all tribe activities during the last 48 hours (created threads, conquers and other tribe events). The conquer of Barbarian villages is not shown actually, but will be added as well of course. The first tab shows all activities, whereas the second one displays latest created forum threads only. The last one shows all conquered (gains and losses) villages of your tribe.
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