Rejected: 2nd Knight 2b introduced


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Since the introduction of items I've noticed that when people ask their fellow tribesmen for support, players reply
"I'm sorry, my knight is attacking right now... and my defensive infantry would arrive áfter the attack arrives in your village"
There are 2 incentives to use a knight offensively
1 when you defeat troops while attacking, you will get additional % for finding a new item when your troops were led by your knight
2 once you're found an item, you need the knight to be equipped with it for it to work.
Lots of players prefer to use the knight for these purposes rather than for support

When the knight abstains from supporting, solidarity within a tribe is undermined.
Especially in the startup phase (0-50k), offensive play has huge advantages over defensive play and you need to be able to cooperate with your tribe.

Therefor I propose that

A second knight is introduced which is unable to attack.
It can only be used to support other players.

Problem solved.