Rejected: Co playing to next level


Long back i had played a map based game whereby people controlled nations. Each nation had maximum of 6 players where (lets say in TW terms) Duke can change their rankings.

Now co playing is largely accepted. Why not take this concept of co playing to next level. Each username can have 3-4 players, which can be removed as well. The creator of username can have privileges. And make tribe limit of something like 20 or 40 to compensate for number of players. It would have following pros:

1.Not many inactive villages (villages will not go inactive if 1 player leaves)
2.Smaller and active worlds (therefore more action packed worlds)
3.Players can be added / removed to username.


TW dislikes coplaying as it means half as much premium. Therefore idea = die.


Also, coplayed accounts can be detrimental to game experience because of the increased activity that non-coplayed accounts need to produce in order to keep up.


I see your point. However my suggestion was to take this game to make it a team game rather than single player game. So having more player would be more of a norm (like you practically need 50 odd in tribe is a norm today) .


I see your point. However my suggestion was to take this game to make it a team game rather than single player game. So having more player would be more of a norm (like you practically need 50 odd in tribe is a norm today) .
But as has been said, people who dislike co-playing will be at a severe disadvantage, because single accounts would become, in effect, small tribes in and of themselves.